Sunday, April 18, 2010

These are some new skecthes that I have been developing after the tutorial feed back last week. I have been constantly refereing to my breif to make sure it alligns with my design.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Sketces

These are some of the sketches I have been developing in Sketchup. I have really been concentrating on the idea of the blank canvas, and have tried to leave large expansences for digital possibilities.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Concept Development Sketches

I have been playing around with the idea of the gallery. I have been looking at the spatial qualities of the art gallery and expressing them in the composition of the structures.

Preliminary Sketches

I have started my to do some design sketches. My concept is to create a blank canvas that will have digital projection at night, and a box that can be opened up during the day. It will represent an art gallery type arrangement with art pieces hanging from the bridge.


I have found a great book about architecture and digital design. It discussed the way in which digital advancements have allowed architects to have a lot more freedom in the way they design. The book is called 'Blobitecture' and explaines the way in which the contemporary 'bloby' shape is a result of the effect of digital programing, drawing comparisons to the work of Frank Ghery.
I have found some awsome videos that show what is possible with digital projection.

Digital Media Advertisment

'Smart-Film' Projection Products

3D Projections

Aswome Projection Collection

Some more great examples

Exemplar Spaces and Forms

I have found some spaces that have inspired me. I am particularly drawn to pieces that are representative of a canvas. Some are digitally enhanced and some, I feel, are just great pieces of architecture.
I have put together a generic brief that details the qualities of the spaces that I will be creating. From my other assignment, I have discovered that it is extremely important to have a very clear idea about the spatial qualities, stories and narratives that will drive the basic design. It is however very conceptule but will assist in my design process.

Howard Street Wharf Design Brief

Vision Statement.

Our vision is to create a public building based on the principles of dynamic architecture and digital technology.
- To design a cohesive piece of architecture that demonstrates the highest practical application of architecture being enhanced by technology
- To develop and foster a social environment that is orientated around interaction, cooperation and respect.
- To assist in the education and public awareness of digital enhancements to the built environment.
Overall Site Goals
Design for the Community and Visitors
- To be people orientated – physical design and technological design to encourage social interactions.
- To create transitional layers between intimate and public spaces.
- Provide opportunities for casual interactions.
- Providing experiences that range from both peaceful to extraverted.
- Provide a sense of security when both entering a leaving the site.
- Provide an experience for both children and adults.
- To integrate and contribute to the wider community.
- To be and licensed venue by night and a family venue by day.
Theme Style
- Overall theme to occur as a blank canvas in which anything and everything can be made possible with digital technology.
- To occur as un-institutional.
- To be visually exciting from the river.
- To be visually exciting from the road.
- To honour the natural surface of the cliff.
- To honour the heritage elements in the area.
- To appear not as ‘man-mad’ but as beyond ‘man-made’.
- To recognise the human scale.
- To be extremely dynamic.
- Internal / external flow.
- To be ‘unnatural’ in materiality
- Hierarchy of spaces
- Layout to unravel so it not able to be seen all at once.
- Restaurant and Dance floor for 215 people.
- Wine Bar
- Alfresco Dining
- Kitchen
- Cybercafé
- Interactive zones throughout
- Stage for medium sized band
- DJ Station
- General Amenities
- Parking – refer to BCA
- Retain pedestrian/cyclist path

Monday, April 5, 2010

Digital Enhancment in Architecture

I have been looking at the way in which designers have been using the surfaces of structure to mount digital Media devices. These devices can completely transform a space independently from the actual piece of architecture itself.

I feel that it is possible to create a piece of architecture that in its self serves and a blank canvas in which anything and everything is possible.

Contempory Digital Media Devices & Architecture

To begin my assignment I researched and gathered as much information about the relationships between digital media divices and architecture. The way in which the technological advancentes have added design and the way in which architects accomodate the technolically savy where also my main focuses.

Introduction to Digital Enhanced Spaces

Hi Everyone, welcome to my Architecture blog. Here I will be sharing all my discoveries, ideas and research material relating to my architecture progect.